Building a quiz in Python with multiple-choice answers is relatively easy. All you need is a bit of code and a desire to learn and structure it properly.
In this article, you will learn how to create a quiz and add your very first quiz question, how to make multiple-question quizzes in Python, and lastly, how to create multiple-choice questions! So let’s get right into it!
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Step-By-Step On Creating A Python Script And Adding A Quiz Question

The idea behind the codes are from MakeUsOf.
First, make a Python file and insert your opening query.
Create a new text file, “,”.
Add your first print statement to the file using any text editor to welcome the user to the quiz.
print("Hello, welcome to the food quiz. Answer the questions as they are presented.")
Ask the user your first query. Wait for the user’s answer using the input() method, then save it in the “userInput” variable.
print("Question 1. Is hamburger American or English?") userInput = input()
Add a condition to determine whether the user’s input corresponds to the proper response. Show the user a “correct” message if they responded adequately. Display the proper response if not.
if (userInput.lower() == "American".lower()): print("That is correct!") else: print("Sorry, the correct answer is American.")
Open the command line and go to the path of your Python file to run your quiz and verify that each question is operational. For instance, if you keep your file in the Desktop directory, the command would be:
cd Desktop
To take the quiz, use the python script.
And now, give a response to the test question.
There you go! You just created a Python script and added your first quiz question.
Step-By-Step On How To Make A Multiple Question Quiz In Python
By reusing the code above, you may add more than one question.
This, however, will make your code needlessly lengthy and more difficult to change. So instead, put the information about the query in an object for a better strategy.
Add a class to the Python file’s header to hold data regarding a quiz question.
class Question: def __init__(self, questionText, answer): self.questionText = questionText self.answer = answer def __repr__(self): return '{'+ self.questionText +', '+ self.answer +'}'
Add an array of question objects underneath the class. The quiz’s user-facing question text and the appropriate response will be stored in these objects.
quizQuestions = [ Question("Question 1. Is hamburger American or English", "American"), Question("Question 2. Which spice is the most popular in the world", "Pepper"), Question("Question 3. What is the only food that can never go bad", "Honey") ]
Change the user input code and if the statement already in place. Instead, cycle over the quizQuestions array using a for a loop. Display each question and then check the user’s answers against the right ones.
for question in quizQuestions: print(f"{question.questionText}?") userInput = input() if (userInput.lower() == question.answer.lower()): print("That is correct!") else: print(f"Sorry, the correct answer is {question.answer}.")
Now that you know how to a) make a quiz and b) how to add multiple questions, now it’s time to learn how to add multiple-choice questions! Keep reading to find out about the process!
Step-By-Step On How To Make Multiple Choice Questions In Python
To accommodate multiple-choice questions, you can enlarge the Question class.
Change the Question class at the file’s top. Add the multiple-choice options property as a choice.
class Question: def __init__(self, questionText, answer, multipleChoiceOptions=None): self.questionText = questionText self.answer = answer self.multipleChoiceOptions = multipleChoiceOptions def __repr__(self): return '{'+ self.questionText +', '+ self.answer +', '+ str(self.multipleChoiceOptions) +'}'
Update the quizQuestions array with a new question. Keep a few multiple-choice answers handy for the inquiry.
quizQuestions = [ Question("Is hamburger American or English", "American"), Question("Question 2. Which spice is the most popular in the world", "Pepper"), Question("Question 3. What is the only food that can never go bad", "Honey"), Question("Question 4. Which country drinks coffee the most", "b", ["(a) United States", "(b) Finland", "(c) Australia", "(d) Antarctica"]),
Change the section of the for loop that shows the user’s query. If the question has multiple-choice answers, list them after the question before requesting the user’s input.
for question in quizQuestions: if (question.multipleChoiceOptions != None): print(f"{question.questionText}?") for option in question.multipleChoiceOptions: print(option) userInput = input() else: print(f"{question.questionText}?") userInput = input() if (userInput.lower() == question.answer.lower()): print("That is correct!") else: print(f"Sorry, the correct answer is {question.answer}.")
There you go! Now you know how to make a quiz with multiple choice questions!
Frequently Asked Questions
Now let’s talk about the questions that are often asked about this topic.
Keep reading if you want to find out some cool answers!
What Does Python’s Random Choice () Mean?
The element from the provided sequence returned by the choice() function is chosen randomly.
The sequence can be of any type, including strings, ranges, lists, tuples, etc.
How Can You Program In Python Random Choice?
Use the random when you wish to choose several randomly selected items from a list without duplication or repetition.sample() method.
Choice() and choices() differ from one another.
The choices() method was introduced in Python 3.6 to select n elements randomly from the list, although things can repeat.
How Does Python’s choice () Function Work?
Python’s choice() method picks items randomly from a given sequence.
We must import the random module into our application to use the choice() method.
The choice() method will randomly choose a string from the list each time the program is executed. The line could change or stay the same each time.
How Does Python Handle Multiple Options?
A multiple-choice query with user input is defined as follows:
Take user input using the input() method. Verify that the information is one of the allowed options.
Use conditional statements to determine if the input is one of the alternatives offered.
Are Any Games Programmed In Python?
Yes, some video games are.
Python creates Disney’s Toontown Online, while Panda3D is used for visuals. Eve Online uses Python Stackless. Python is used to develop Mount & Blade. Finally, python is used to create Pirates of the Caribbean Online, while Panda3D is used for visuals.
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