The process of learning a programming language is incredibly rewarding, and this is especially the case with C++.
C++ is one of the most useful, versatile, and challenging programming languages in the world.
To learn how long it takes to master C++, check out the in-depth guide below.
We’ve also included a number of tips and tricks for beginners so that you can master this awesome language all the sooner! Take a look.

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What Is C++?
C++ is one of the world’s most frequently used programming languages.
Technically speaking, it is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language that is argued to be the best language when it comes to creating large-scale applications.
It can be used to develop a number of things, including operating systems, games, browsers, and much more.
It also supports multiple ways of programming, including procedural and functional, in addition to object-oriented, making it versatile and powerful.
C++ is a superset of the programming language C, and it is related to another programming language called Java.
In fact, Java is based on C++, but it differs because it was optimized for the distribution of program objects on the internet and other networks.
Is C++ Hard To Learn?
In short, yes.
C++ can be challenging to learn, regardless of whether you have programmed before. In fact, C++ is known to be one of the hardest programming languages to learn.
Other languages, including Python and Java, are considerably easier to pick up.
So, why is C++ so hard to learn? Well, C++ is difficult to get the hang of because of its multi-paradigm nature.
It also has an advanced syntax that is much more complicated than that of Java and Python.
However, don’t let this put you off. Being fluent in C++ is an excellent skill that will be useful time and time again.
You just need some patience and a few good tips and tricks to get you through the learning process.
How Long Will It Take To Learn C++?
On average, it takes people anywhere between 1 month to 2 years to learn how to use C++.
To figure out how long it will take you to learn C++, you need to consider two things: your programming experience and to what extent you want to master C++.
Generally, it will take someone who has never programmed before more than three months to learn C++ well.
If someone has experience with other programming languages, it could take between one to three months to learn C++.
However, if you are hoping to become a master in C++, this could take forever. Seriously!
Building mastery in this language could take anywhere from two years to decades, depending on how much time and energy you spend on it.
Why Does It Take So Long To Learn C++?
C++ has a number of quirks that make it hard to master.
For example, you will need to get to grips with memory management, the standard template library, referencing and pointers, and threads and handling exceptions.
Each one of these concepts is pretty difficult to understand, and it will take a lot of time and effort to fully get to grips with them.
And, once you do, there will just be more to learn (as is the case with all programming languages!).
In fact, the more you understand in C++, the more you realize that you have to learn. However, learning C++ is a very rewarding experience.
When you finally nail a concept that you’ve been struggling with for weeks, you will feel on top of the world.
Tips For Beginners Learning C++
If you’re new to programming, we recommend that you begin with a programming language that is more simple than C++.
If you jump straight into learning C++, it is likely that you will seriously struggle.
Instead, you should consider learning Python or JavaScript.
These are much easier to get to grips with than C++, and will hopefully invigorate your interest in programming languages enough to get you through C++ with ease.
However, we know that many schools only offer C++ as a class. If this is the case, you should still take the opportunity to learn it if you’re new to programming.
It is just important to try not to get disheartened if you’re finding it difficult – it will just take time!
It is worth noting that many people believe that you should learn C before C++, but this is a big misconception.
C++ does build on top of C, however, it has many features that can help save you time when you’re learning.
C++ And Java
As previously mentioned, Java is similar to C++.
If you’ve learned Java and you’re thinking about learning C++, you’re likely wondering, ‘but… how similar?’.
Take a look at the similarities and differences between these two programming languages below.
C++ And Java Similarities
Both of these languages support abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and static and dynamic binding.
They are also similar at the syntax level, with similar data types, loop structures, commenting out codes, conditional statements, and entry points.
These similarities can make it pretty easy to jump from Java to C++. In fact, if you have a very detailed understanding of Java, and you work hard, you could even pick up C++ to a good level in just a few days.
C++ And Java Differences
The biggest difference between these two programming languages is that, in Java, memory management is automatically taken care of.
However, in C++, you are in control of memory management.
Other notable differences between the two languages are listed below.
- There exist structures in C++.
- There is operator overloading in C++.
- There are destructors in C++.
- There are default arguments in C++.
- There are multiple inheritances in C++.
The more you learn in C++, the more complex differences you’ll come across.
However, the basic similarities make getting to grips with C++ much easier, so if you know Java – what are you waiting for?
C++ is one of the hardest programming languages to learn – but it is also arguably the most useful! We hope that this article has inspired you to give the challenge of learning C++ a try!
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