Choosing the right keyboard for what you’re trying to accomplish with your PC can be a stressful thing to consider.
With so many options available with all kinds of different features, how can you be sure that you’re making the right decision?
If you’re into computers or gaming, then you’ve no doubt heard positive things about mechanical keyboards.
You’ve probably heard that they’re much better than regular keyboards, that they’re the pinnacle of keyboard technology, and perhaps you’ve even heard that they are better for typing.
But with so much information and different opinions out there, how can you be sure that you’re making the right decision?
If you want to know whether or not mechanical keyboards are better for typing, then you’ve come to the right place!

In this article, we’re going to give you a comprehensive breakdown of mechanical keyboards.
We’ll take you through their history, their common uses, and whether or not they’re better for typing!
We’ve also included a short FAQ section to help answer any questions you might have leftover once we finish!
Let’s get into it!
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Mechanical Keyboards
Let’s start by explaining a little about what a mechanical keyboard actually is.
In short, a mechanical keyboard is a keyboard that uses a spring-loaded mechanism to press a switch.
They differ from classic keyboards which use membrane rubber domes to push small electrical connectors.
A Mechanical keyboard isn’t going to look all that different from the classic style of keyboard you’re probably used to seeing, but there are some key differences in how they work and how they feel to type with.
Let’s go a little deeper into the mechanics.
Imagine that under each key of a mechanical keyboard there are small switches.
They are made from a few different parts including a hard plastic ‘stem’ consisting of two metal contacts and a spring.
When you press a key on a mechanical keyboard, the stem pushes the spring down so that the metal connects – this is the basic principle of a switch that you might find anywhere else within electrical pieces of equipment.
When the stem presses down, the switch will register with your keyboard’s inner circuitry and then send a signal to your computer.
The reason that not all keyboards use this design is that it’s much harder to design.
Foam-based keyboards are much cheaper and easier to make because they don’t have so many individual parts.
Instead of using individual parts the keys simply all connect to one a bed of switches.
There are a few different types of mechanical keyboards on the market today:
- Tactile Switches – these are the top choice for people who are writers by trade. They provide a distinct sensation when clicking keys.
- Clicky Switches – this is the classic form that you’ve likely seen before. Each press of a key makes a clicking noise and can be great for distinguishing each individual key press.
- Linear Switches – linear switches traditionally feel a lot smoother and are much quieter than ‘clicky’ switches.
So Why Would I Want A Mechanical Keyboard?
There are a few main reasons that make mechanical keyboards superior. The main thing to consider here is their durability.
Because each key is individual, it’s much less likely that the general keyboard will get worn out. These individual key stems and switches are built to last.
With older versions of keyboards, if the circuitry beneath gets worn out then it’s possible that the entire keyboard will stop working.
Beyond this, mechanical keyboards use higher quality components, they last longer, feel different to touch, and are much weightier to type with.
It is generally thought that mechanical keyboards are superior for typing – but why exactly is this?
Why Are Mechanical Keyboards Better For Typing?
Now the statement ‘better for typing’ depends on a lot of different factors.
Ultimately, the best keyboard for typing is going to be the one that you prefer, but that’s not to say that it will be the best overall.
Below, we’re going to list some of the main reasons why people believe that mechanical keyboards are best for typing:
- Precision: one of the main reasons is that the individual key clicks of a mechanical keyboard are much easier to be precise with. Each key click is separated, meaning that you’ll be able to type with a lot more accuracy and stop your fingers from clicking the wrong key.
- Durability: although this might not seem like it has a big effect on key-to-key typing, having keys not work or stick or break is bound to make typing much harder for you. Mechanical keyboards are better designed and as a result, last much longer.
- Comfortability: Since each key has its own individual switch, it means that the general experience of typing is going to feel a lot smoother and more comfortable to do. You won’t have to be so worried about typing the right key and it creates a much nicer feeling, especially if you’re trying to type faster.
Final Thoughts
Determining whether or not a mechanical keyboard is better for typing is likely to come down to your own individual preference.
You might find that you like much smaller keyboards, such as one attached to a laptop, are better suited to your typing style.
However, it’s undeniable that a lot of people find mechanical keyboards better for typing because of their precision, comfortability and overall durability.
We hope that this article has given you a rundown of mechanical keyboards and why they are often seen as better for typing.
If you are a person who writes for a living, perhaps you’re thinking about writing a novel, then it’s definitely worth considering a mechanical keyboard.
You might find that it’s a great change to your life that will make long stretches of typing much easier.
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