Starting programming in Python as a beginner brings up a lot of questions. Is my computer or laptop okay in terms of requirements for Python? Is 4GB of RAM enough? Do I need an upgrade to start learning python?
Those questions are totally valid, and everybody asked them once in their life, if not Python, for something else computer-related.
In this article, find out if 4GB of RAM is enough for coding in Python!
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PC Requirements for Python Programming

It’s advisable to be familiar with the fundamental Python (in this case, 3.8.3 version) system requirements before starting any Intermediate Python projects.
Let’s see what the minimum of the minimum is, and you might be surprised!
So, the minimum requirements are:
- Processors: Intel® Core™ i3 or AMD Ryzen 3250u CPU
- Operating System: Windows 7, Linux 64-bit RHEL or Mac OS X 10.11 & up
- RAM: 1GB of on-board system memory
- Disk Space: 1-2GB of Hard Drive space
These specifications should only be considered if the budget is minimal. The suggested specifications are written below if you wish to go a little higher.
- Processors: Any two or higher core processor, including Intel® Core™ i5 @2.60GHz, new-gen Xeon® processor @2.30 GHz, or AMD Ryzen 5 CPUs running at higher frequency
- RAM: 4GB of system memory from any decent manufacturer
- Disk space: 2-3GB of SEAGATE Hard Drive
- Operating System: Windows 10 Official, Mac OS 10.12.6 (and up), or Linux/Ubuntu 16.10+
How to do Python Programming on MacOS?
You may check to see if Python is already installed on your Mac by opening Terminal and typing the python version.
You should visit the Python website and select the download option if it isn’t already there.
Python files (those with extension) open in TextEdit by default, which is unacceptable. It has a terrible propensity to write files in a format other than ASCII, which causes problems. Additionally, there are no excellent formatting alternatives.
Therefore, you must set up a top-notch text editor. There are, fortunately, a few available.
Let’s take a look at two examples:
The most well-known Python IDE may be PyCharm, which offers both a free and a premium edition.
The commercial version has additional functionality, but the free version is more than sufficient for beginners.
Features include access to plugins, assistance with web development, and standard editor features like syntax highlighting.
Eclipse is an IDE with support for several different languages that have been around for a while.
Install the Eclipse IDE, and then add the PyDev plugin. Now you can use it with Python.
Together, PyDev and Eclipse have produced a fantastic Python IDE often updated by the dedicated Python community.
After that, it’s all up to you! Start with the “Hello World” and good luck!
Is MacOS Better for Python than PC?
Is learning Python on a Mac or PC better? There is no distinction between Pythons running on Macs and PCs.
Most of the time, it comes down to taste.
In the 2020 poll by Stack Overflow, 45.8% of developers use Windows, followed by 27.5% of macOS developers and 26.6% of Linux developers.
How Much RAM Do I Really Need for Programming?
The generic Python (in this case, version 3.8.3) system requirements have been covered; now, it’s time to discuss some of the pieces of hardware individually.
We suggest you choose at least 8GB of RAM while working in Python to run code editors smoothly. Of course, many programs may function with as little as 4GB of system memory, but most modern programming models strive for 8GB for peak performance.
Because they use a lot of RAM to provide quicker and more valuable results, code editors like PyCharm and Visual Code Studio are to blame.
Therefore, getting 8GB or more RAM is advisable to avoid latency.
Try to resist giving up on the “bare minimum” craze since doing so will make your computer take a long time to load, impairing your programming experience.
Additionally, it’s preferable to avoid going overboard and to stick to the 8GB benchmark.
Can I Programm with 4GB of RAM?
Python is a popular choice for programming novices since it is user-friendly and offers a decent introduction to programming.
Python has many applications, including web development, automation, game development, desktop applications, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.
Python programming doesn’t require more than 4GB of RAM while you’re just starting or working on modest web development projects.
However, as explained above, you could want additional RAM if you’re using Python for machine learning with massive data sets, game development, etc.
When Do I Need to Upgrade to a Bigger RAM?
You should upgrade your RAM if you want to revive your old computer, if you want to have the ability to handle more complex projects, or if you want to improve your performance.
With only 4GB of RAM, coding will be challenging, slow, arduous, unpleasant, and irritating.
Modern IDEs, compilers, and toolchains are massive, sophisticated creatures that use RAM like a Texan at a free barbeque.
More RAM enables you to execute your IDE, debugger, emulator, and generated code simultaneously while keeping several Stack Exchange sites open in your browser.
So yes, upgrade to a new RAM if you want to be more serious about your programming in Python.
Frequently Asked Questions
Now let’s answer some of the most asked questions online about Python and requirements.
Is PyCharm Compatible With 4GB RAM?
Running Python 3 with PyCharm requires a minimum of 4GB of RAM.
Is Python Memory-Intensive?
In reality, Python stores these values in about 35MB of RAM. Why? Because objects—which include Python’s integers—take up a lot of memory.
Python: Graphics Card Required?
And after some investigation, we discovered that Python is a general-purpose programming language that can be used without a graphics card.
Web development, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and game creation are just a few of the uses for Python, even without the graphics card.
Does RAM Have an Impact on Coding?
An essential component of programming is RAM.
You may require more or less RAM depending on the kinds of tasks you’re working on and the software you’re using.
For instance, you’ll want a lot more RAM if you’re operating virtual machines.
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